About Us
We'll assist you in realizing your dream.
Each of us has at some point in our life taken on the role of a "interior designer" when remodelling our homes or brightening up a drab, uninteresting space. The renovation procedure begins after weeks of research and several pieces of advice. Finally, the long-awaited day has come, but as you take in your "ideal" new surroundings, something still feels off.
Although the colours, patterns, and creative layouts have shown to be distinctive and character-filled, there isn't a strong feeling of cohesion.
Through the window of the soul, the whole world is in sight; With the wings of imagination, traveling freely without limitation of the space and time can be achieved. Technology innovation/ Product Innovation / Team Innovation/ Culture Innovation OSAKA Solid Surface has been adhering to craftmanship and continuous innovation for several years, keep improving the performance of solid surface and expanding the color series. OSAKA Solid Surface blend the preferences and visions of each customer into unique color, Achive a unique enjoyment full of charm. The innovation makes Osaka Solid Surface extraordinary. We define the infinite possibilities of unique space!
魂の窓を通して、全世界が見えます。想像力の翼があれば、時間と空間に制限されない自由な旅が実現します。 技術革新/製品革新/チーム革新/文化革新 OSAKAは数年にわたりクラフトマンシップと継続的な革新を堅持し、固体表面の性能を向上させ、カラーシリーズを拡大し続けています。 OSAKAは、お客様一人ひとりの好みやビジョンを独自の色にブレンドし、魅力あふれる独自の楽しみを実現します。 その革新性が大阪を特別なものにしています。ユニークな空間の無限の可能性を定義します。
We Serve countries

- Osaka Solid Surface 100% Acrylic Solid Surface is Composed of high-performance acrylic resin and natural minerals to enhance its appearance and performance
- The consistent colors and patterns, which run all the way through the material, which run all the way through the material can not wear away, giving Osaka Solid Surface the timeless beauty, which can be restored to its original condition.
- Osaka Solid Surface products are nonporous and NSF Certified for food preparation area.This Means, it's hygienic by warding off mildew, bacteria and other harmful germs.
- additionally, due to inconspicuous seams, integrated sinks and bowls, and coved backsplashes, Osaka Solid Surface is perfect choice for Residential and commercial applications.


- The Design Versatility of Osaka Solid Surface allows it to be fabricated and formed into almost any shape and size.
OSAKA Solid Surface strictly follows quality management system for production and operation. Use our best efforts to achieve built- in quality and achieve our goals through continuous improvement to the complete satisfaction of our customers. Fulfill our commitment to our customers while complying with laws and regulations and performance standards regarding our market and organization. Achieving this goal requires improving the quality of work from product development to manufacturing, sales and service, and building and implementing a comprehensive quality system with measurement, analysis and improvement actions.